Monday, September 2, 2013

Greek Meanings

The meanings and concepts of the Greek words all have value. The word agora means the meeting place or a popular place in which all people in the town met. It was the heart of all cities back in Ancient Greece. The word arĂȘte means good or excellent. This word can also be thought of has filling up potential or the best that you can do. Polis means a town of city of the Greek nation. It can also be deferred as the people of Greece. Also it can be a city-state for example the well known town of Athens. In the year of 508 B.C. Cleisthenes gave full democratic rights to all the free white men of Greece. So therefore he developed a fully functional democratic system. Socrates was a famous ancient Athenian philosopher for the field of ethics. His death was due by trial. Socrates was a traitor as he praised Sparta the enemy of Athena. This was going on during the Peloponnesian war. His Socratic method was known as the method of inquiry. Socrates had applied this method to the important moral concepts of goodness. When a  ancient Greek calls you an idiot they mean something different. In their democracy they were forced to vote and if you didn't they would mark you as an idiot.

All information was taken from

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