Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day #9 Human Geo-The Persistent Power Point

Today in class we continued our work on the projects for the pros and cons of globalization. But we ran into a major problem as my two partners and I all had no internet connection. Right from the start we only had 22 minutes to type and we lost a good 15 of them trying to fix it. It was a very frustrating situation but not for the fact that I had not internet but all three of us did at the same time. I was getting fed up with my computer because I know that I’m not the only one who has a problem. If there are any more problems I won’t hesitate to go to the I.T. person. But we did get a little bit done and it is less homework that we will have to do tonight. But the whole situation was definitely a pain. For homework I hope that the other two will be logged on and they can help me finish the power point. But the chances of that happening are very low.

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