Saturday, August 31, 2013

Five Point Action Plan

By Andrew Kappel
My five point action plan for this year at John Carroll is as follows. First, I will listen intently on everything that the teacher says and then write it down in a notebook or tablet. That way when I go back to read over my notes to study, I can see what happened in class. I will do this in addition to reading my text books so I completely review all material available.  Second, I will set a goal to participate at least three times per day in every class. That way I can get a better understanding of my class. Also, I can learn at a faster rate if I participate because it will show that I can understand the subject matter. Third, I will write down my homework in my planner everyday so that way I won't forget anything and then lose points easily. Fourth, I will keep my papers organized into a neat binder. I will not use a folder this year so that I know where all my papers are to be. That way I can flip to a class pull out a homework, classwork, or study paper. Finally, the last thing that I will do to help my freshman year is to not get frustrated over any classwork or homework assignments. I have an email account so I can contact teachers and ask questions. So now I will learn to solve the problem instead of writing the wrong answer and just be done with it. My five points this year will not be easy to accomplish but I know if I focus and put forth the effort I can achieve these goals easily.

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