Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day #5 Human Geo-Documents Discussion

Today in Human Geo we continued the work on our google documents. We added to more members because they were not at class yesterday. So we went from three members to five members which means that we should get more work from everyone than we would if it were three people. Also we started our research on globalization and I thought that there were many interesting facts to read. We grabbed all the definitions that were correct and it turned out to be a paragraph. The definition of globalization is a very long and complex definitions and probably has a few sentences in it as well. Plus in our Google document we added on more questions and put more information on the page to study for the quiz or test that is next Friday. Thanks to putting up this information we should be able to study of each other and learn at the same time. I like to use this document because studying on your own can be hard to focus but now that I have four other people studying with me and not being in the same room is much better. Now I can study with people in my own room or any room I want to be in. today in my opinion was a big step for me because I realized what the future of this class will be.

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