Sunday, September 15, 2013

Day#7 Human Geo- Power Point Partners

Today in Human Geo class we split up into groups and started to make our power points about globalization. It was difficult to find a good website for the definition, pros and cons of globalization. It became very frustrating even I my group and I were getting quite angry about it. In the end we could only get the definition of globalization down in the power point and we have a website for pros but it is still not enough. We will have to work even harder for the mod that we have on Monday and it will make us tired after the class. I think if we put our minds to it my group and I can finish the project on Monday. I am very excite to go back to work on Monday and I will need to come up with ideas tomorrow for the next day in class. My group will see a whole new thing from me and we will get the project done or mostly done. But it will put in a lot of work that will take hard work.

1 comment:

  1. I have a pretty good site for pros and cons posted in my link section. Feel free to use it!
