Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day #3 Human Geo-The Savior Socrates

Today in our third class of Human Geo we went even deeper into Socrates, his death, and his trial. We first learned that at his trial if he had just apologized that he probably would have lived. But instead he was a sassy person and he would be put to death. Since he was so popular around Athens they would have been sorry and would have let him live. But he was so sassy that they refused to work with him and they forced him to his death. But even though he was so mean to the jury and judge they still gave him a choice. He could be exiled or poisoned but he chose poison. He wanted to be the hero in the end and wanted to be strong. So that led us to the painting of Socrates as he was about to drink the poison. We looked at that picture for a good portion of the class looking at all of the details. We found that all of the people that were next to Socrates were crying, telling him that they could help him escape, and some weren't even looking at him. So it showed Socrates sticking out his chest and pointing to the sky as he was about to drink from the cup. He showed no fear knowing that he was going to die and he faced death and acted as the hero. Socrates was a great influence for the people of Athens and it was a shame to hear about how he died when he was still able to teach.

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