Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day #2 Human Geo-Greek's Top of the Line Topics

Today was the second day in which we learned the criteria. We went over the Greek meanings and concepts. We took the entire two mod class and went over the information. Even though I had already written my blog about the Greek words I was still shocked that I learned something. But not only did I learn something but I learned something from every single word that we went over. The topic that I learned the most about would have to be the death of Socrates. I thought that I knew everything about his death and what had happened to him. But instead what I thought was completely wrong and I didn't know a thing about him. So not only did I add any information but I erased what I thought and wrote something new. That is a good sign though for the near future because I can rely that entering that class everyday that I will learn something. I can depend on leaving the classroom after the bell rings with new information that I have gained. So far this class has been a lot of fun and I hope that it will continue for the rest of the year. I know the only way that I can have fun is to work hard and do my best all the time and it will make this class even better. Maybe though we didn't talk about many topics today I still learned a lot of information and I learned a valuable lesson... all on the second day of Human Geography.

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