Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day #10- The Power Point Presentation

Today in Human Geo class we presented our power points. My group worked hard to make and to finish these power points so I was glad that we had the opportunity to show them to our fellow classmates. So when we went up there our power point was loaded up with facts and what the information that was put on. I was very excited and anxious to get up there and when we finally did I was so happy. The good thing was that it couldn’t have gone any better than it did. We presented it and I am mostly positive that there were no flaws that were made and I was thrilled. There were no questions asked because all of our point of views and information everyone agreed with. We were doing very well and then the best part of the presentation had arrived. At the end last night when I was checking everything I put the final slide titled thank-you. And then as the picture I put two hands clapping. Everyone in class was laughing so the power point went very well today. Today was a major success for my group and I in the presentation.

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