Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Interesting Incite

President Enrique Pena Nieto:Mexico
-When President Pena Nieto was elected into office it brought back the Institutional Revolutionary Party, which has not been in power since 2000
-Angelica Rivera is the wife of Nieto and she is a opera star
-He had an affair with many women had still managed to be elected president
-Oldest of four siblings in a middle-class family father an engineer, and mother a teacher

President Xl Jinping:China
-He is the son of a Chinese communist named Xi Zhongxun
-Xi was the first ever communist leader who spoke a clear Mandarin
-Married a folk singer Peng Liyuan
-Daughter is studying at Harvard

Premiere Li Keqiang:China
-He is the youngest provincial governor in China 1998
-In the election he got 2,940 votes out of 3,000

President Pranab Muhkerjee:India
-He has been the leader of India for nearly six decades
-Pranab was accused of committing gross excesses
-Taught political science at a college and also worked as a journalist before becoming president
-Started his own party

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh:India
-Singh worked for the UN from 1966-1969
-Singh has been re-elected four times in his terms in office

President Hamid Karzai:Afghanistan
-His grandfather was in the 1919 war to free Afghanistan
-He warned America in 2001 of the attacks on 9/11
-He can speak five different languages fluently
-Resistance leader during the Taliban era

President Joachim Gauck:Germany
-As a kid he lived in East Germany
-He became a pastor because he refused to become part of the youth communist groups

Chancellor Angela Merkel:Germany
-She is the first woman in history to hold both chancellor of Germany and Christian Democratic Union
-She has been ranked the world's second most powerful person in the world
-Degree in physics, got a PhD in quantum chemistry
-Chancellor since November '05

Queen Elizabeth II: United Kingdom
-Her first ever radio broadcast was at the age of 14
-She has been the queen of England since 1952
-60 year leader

Prime Minister David Cameron: United Kingdom
-He lost his first ever election in 1997 but then won in 2001
-When he won in 2001 he was the youngest Prime Minister in England in 198 years
-He went to a prep school
-One child who was born in '09 named Ivan

President Francois Hollande: France
-He supports same-sex marriage
-His first foreign trip, the plane transporting him was struck by lightning
-No experience in a Government position
-He has had a 30 year relationship with the mother of his 4 children
-He had parents who would argue over their job

Prime Minister Jean Marc Ayrault: France
-When he was mayor of Saint-Herblain, he was the youngest mayor to govern a city of 30,000 people or more
-He learned German as a French-men

President Dilma Rousseff: Brazil
-Captured in jail from 1970-1972 where she was tortured
-First woman of Brazil to hold office in history
-Degree in economics
-In remission for lymphoma

President Nicolas Maduro Moros: Venezuala
-Only a few years ago he was a bus driver
-He was a bodyguard for a candidate in a election in 1983
-Helped the release of Chavez from prison
-Chavez died of cancer and Moros was Vice President was named President

King and Prime Minister Abdallah Bin Abd al- Aziz al Saud: Saudi Arabia
-He was Saudi Arabian National Guard during the time in which he became king
-He has four wives, seven sons, and fifteen daughter

Supreme Leader Ali Hosseini- Khamenei: Iran
-Victim of an attempted assassination
-He has forbid any use with nuclear warfare

President Hasan Fereidun Ruwoni: Iran
-He was arrested many times before the Iran revolution for public speaking
-He brought a civil rights charter when he was elected into office

President Shimon Peres: Israel
-The world's oldest head of state
-He was Polish but changed when he came to Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel
-Major part in the Israeli military
-In times in the 1950's and 1960's he lived in the United States

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