Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day #26-The Fast Facts

Today in Human geo we went over the final parts of the five major religions of the world. But the part that I liked was the fact that Mr. Schick did it instead of groups so it went by a lot faster and we got done it good time. Plus he knew what we needed to know and what we didn’t need to know so that meant less writing of things. That way the notes we took were a lot shorter and that was a huge benefit to my hand. He went over all five religions in under 20 minutes while we got three and a half religions done as a class in two days of nearly an hour combined. That is why Mr. Schick should present all presentations to the class because people goof off way to much when presenting. Plus they go into extreme detail that we do not need to know and it wastes time. The way that we did it in class today is the way that I think we should do it every time that we must make a group project.

1 comment:

  1. You make some good points about the PowerPoints, Andrew. I'll keep that in mind.
