Monday, November 25, 2013

Day #32-Argueable Assingment

Today in Human Geo we did a new project and did something new and a change for the first time in a long time. We made a project as a class on Google documents. I thought that it was a great idea and a chance for us to do something on our own. But once again there were a few people who thought differently than the teacher and blew this thing out of proportion. Some people think that there should be rule and civilized but if it went there way than there is a more than likely chance that work would not have been done. We should have assigned partners and then each group makes a slide or two and then will edit that slide until we are done. While the entire class was yelling and carrying on and trying to get order my partner Zach and I managed to finish and edit four slides that were ready to be read. we managed to get four slides done in 30 minutes and that was just two people. But unfortunately two of them got deleted and then we lost them but that was the work that people could. There are some people in this class that think that they are the leader and boss and rule everything but yet they are not because it was A CLASS PROJECT FOR EVERYONE TO WORK ON.

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