Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day #31-Problem People

Today in Human Geo we went over the paper for our project and the questions during the entire class. I was not happy with how long it took to go over the paper because we only got to go over like 2 questions. There were some people that were complaining about the project and I think that people need to deal with the fact that we are doing the project and just do it. Mr. Schick is the teacher and the way he teaches is the way that we need to follow because he is the teacher. He chooses how we learn the material and how the lesson every day goes. But yet other people think that they are better than everyone else and don’t need to follow the rules and it annoys me. Because those people throw a fit when they don’t get their way and they should not get their way in the first place. Besides I think that the way that we are doing things now in class is better than usual.

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