Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day #33-The Funny Folk Tales

Today in Human Geo we had a very easy class and it was easily the most fun of a class that I could have because it was so easy. All we did in class was just tell stories so that was so easy and it was funny because the stories that THE SHICK MAN told were classic. I wish we could have more classes like that but we didn’t get any work done so we won’t be able to. But it was a great final class of Human Geo before the break so I am happy about that. Now I know the famous Gumby stories that everyone who has ever had Mr. Schick has talked about. In this class it is not my favorite class because of the material but it is my favorite class because of the teacher and it is so much fun. It is up there with German and English when it comes to having fun.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Day #32-Argueable Assingment

Today in Human Geo we did a new project and did something new and a change for the first time in a long time. We made a project as a class on Google documents. I thought that it was a great idea and a chance for us to do something on our own. But once again there were a few people who thought differently than the teacher and blew this thing out of proportion. Some people think that there should be rule and civilized but if it went there way than there is a more than likely chance that work would not have been done. We should have assigned partners and then each group makes a slide or two and then will edit that slide until we are done. While the entire class was yelling and carrying on and trying to get order my partner Zach and I managed to finish and edit four slides that were ready to be read. we managed to get four slides done in 30 minutes and that was just two people. But unfortunately two of them got deleted and then we lost them but that was the work that people could. There are some people in this class that think that they are the leader and boss and rule everything but yet they are not because it was A CLASS PROJECT FOR EVERYONE TO WORK ON.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day #31-Problem People

Today in Human Geo we went over the paper for our project and the questions during the entire class. I was not happy with how long it took to go over the paper because we only got to go over like 2 questions. There were some people that were complaining about the project and I think that people need to deal with the fact that we are doing the project and just do it. Mr. Schick is the teacher and the way he teaches is the way that we need to follow because he is the teacher. He chooses how we learn the material and how the lesson every day goes. But yet other people think that they are better than everyone else and don’t need to follow the rules and it annoys me. Because those people throw a fit when they don’t get their way and they should not get their way in the first place. Besides I think that the way that we are doing things now in class is better than usual.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day #30-The Unfair Unit

Today in Human Geo we went over the test that we took last week and I felt bad when I took that test because it was quite hard when it took it. I thought that it was a little unfair because he said that on his blog most of the things we did not need to write down but in the end we had to write down a bunch of stuff. But in the end we needed all of things that we needed on his blog. So in the end I thought that it was so unfair that we could not use the things that we needed from his blog. The only thing that made up for the fact that we could not get the best of grades was the fact that we could use our blogs. So in the end I disagreed with what had happened and I did not like with what went down with this test.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day #29-The Troubling Test

Today in Human geo we took a test on the leaders of the world and I thought that it was relatively hard test and I would not want to take it again. The only good thing that came out of the test today was the fact that we got to use our blog to help us with a couple of the questions on the test. But I was not happy with some of the questions that I had to answer. He said that we didn’t need some of the topics that were on the test but yet we did. I strongly disagree with what the test was about.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

Replacement Blog

Today in Human Geo we updated our blog and that was all that we did for Monday November 11th, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day #28-The Terrific Test

Today in Human Geo class we went over the test that we got back and went over it. I did a pretty good job on the test even though the last question that I did was right and he put it down as wrong. So then he changed because everyone had a problem with that question. So now I have an 80% on that test which will help my grade a lot more. The questions that we did were pretty hard and I was not happy about that because they caused me problems on the test. The religion questions I did not get a good grade on because I got Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism mixed up quite a few times and I should have studied harder than I did. The other parts of the quiz from the first part of the unit I had done a great job on it. But the religion will have to be better in the near future.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Interesting Incite

President Enrique Pena Nieto:Mexico
-When President Pena Nieto was elected into office it brought back the Institutional Revolutionary Party, which has not been in power since 2000
-Angelica Rivera is the wife of Nieto and she is a opera star
-He had an affair with many women had still managed to be elected president
-Oldest of four siblings in a middle-class family father an engineer, and mother a teacher  president.gov

President Xl Jinping:China
-He is the son of a Chinese communist named Xi Zhongxun
-Xi was the first ever communist leader who spoke a clear Mandarin
-Married a folk singer Peng Liyuan
-Daughter is studying at Harvard  president.gov

Premiere Li Keqiang:China
-He is the youngest provincial governor in China 1998
-In the election he got 2,940 votes out of 3,000    president.gov

President Pranab Muhkerjee:India
-He has been the leader of India for nearly six decades
-Pranab was accused of committing gross excesses
-Taught political science at a college and also worked as a journalist before becoming president
-Started his own party     president.gov

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh:India
-Singh worked for the UN from 1966-1969
-Singh has been re-elected four times in his terms in office    president.gov

President Hamid Karzai:Afghanistan
-His grandfather was in the 1919 war to free Afghanistan
-He warned America in 2001 of the attacks on 9/11
-He can speak five different languages fluently
-Resistance leader during the Taliban era    president.gov

President Joachim Gauck:Germany
-As a kid he lived in East Germany
-He became a pastor because he refused to become part of the youth communist groups   president.gov

Chancellor Angela Merkel:Germany
-She is the first woman in history to hold both chancellor of Germany and Christian Democratic Union
-She has been ranked the world's second most powerful person in the world
-Degree in physics, got a PhD in quantum chemistry
-Chancellor since November '05      president.gov

Queen Elizabeth II: United Kingdom
-Her first ever radio broadcast was at the age of 14
-She has been the queen of England since 1952
-60 year leader    president.gov

Prime Minister David Cameron: United Kingdom
-He lost his first ever election in 1997 but then won in 2001
-When he won in 2001 he was the youngest Prime Minister in England in 198 years
-He went to a prep school
-One child who was born in '09 named Ivan    president.gov

President Francois Hollande: France
-He supports same-sex marriage
-His first foreign trip, the plane transporting him was struck by lightning
-No experience in a Government position
-He has had a 30 year relationship with the mother of his 4 children
-He had parents who would argue over their job     president.gov

Prime Minister Jean Marc Ayrault: France
-When he was mayor of Saint-Herblain, he was the youngest mayor to govern a city of 30,000 people or more
-He learned German as a French-men      president.gov

President Dilma Rousseff: Brazil
-Captured in jail from 1970-1972 where she was tortured
-First woman of Brazil to hold office in history
-Degree in economics
-In remission for lymphoma       president.gov

President Nicolas Maduro Moros: Venezuala
-Only a few years ago he was a bus driver
-He was a bodyguard for a candidate in a election in 1983
-Helped the release of Chavez from prison
-Chavez died of cancer and Moros was Vice President was named President       president.gov

King and Prime Minister Abdallah Bin Abd al- Aziz al Saud: Saudi Arabia
-He was Saudi Arabian National Guard during the time in which he became king
-He has four wives, seven sons, and fifteen daughter     president.gov

Supreme Leader Ali Hosseini- Khamenei: Iran
-Victim of an attempted assassination
-He has forbid any use with nuclear warfare       president.gov

President Hasan Fereidun Ruwoni: Iran
-He was arrested many times before the Iran revolution for public speaking
-He brought a civil rights charter when he was elected into office      president.gov

President Shimon Peres: Israel
-The world's oldest head of state
-He was Polish but changed when he came to Israel       president.gov

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel
-Major part in the Israeli military
-In times in the 1950's and 1960's he lived in the United States      president.gov

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Peoples Presidents




Federal Republic
President Enrique Pena Nieto                                                                                                                                     

Communist State
President Xl Jingping
Premier Ll Keqiang

Federal Republic
President Pranab Mukherjee
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh


Islamic Republic
President Hamid Karzai

Federal Republic
President Joachim Gauck
Chancellor Angela Merkel


United Kingdom
Constitutional Monarchy and
Commonwealth Realm 
Queen Elizabeth ll
Prime Minister David Cameron


President Francis Hollande
Prime Minister Jean Marc Ayrault

Federal Republic
President Dilma Rousseff

Federal Republic
President Nicolas Maduro Moros

Saudi Arabia
King and Prime Minister Abdallah
Bin Abd al- Aziz Al Saud

Theocratic Republic
Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini- Khamenei
President Hasan Fereidun Ruhani


Parliamentary Democracy
President Shimon Peres
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu




Monday, November 4, 2013

Day #27-Troubling Test

Today in Human Geo we had a test that we took and going into the test I felt very confident in my ability. I studied all weekend but I was not happy because Friday I was ready but then I had to wait another three days unlike the other classes so that was a disadvantage. But I did get more days to study so that was an advantage. But when it came to the actual test it did not go over well. The beginning questions I aced because I studied for them. But then at the time of the test I totally drew a blank between the differences in the religions. I did not do well in the questions for the five major religions of the world. I could not think about anything and I was not confident at that time. I was nervous and after the first set I blew thru and the second set I struggled for sure. I did not get a horrible grade but not what I had expected to have gotten because I worked very hard to help myself.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day #26-The Fast Facts

Today in Human geo we went over the final parts of the five major religions of the world. But the part that I liked was the fact that Mr. Schick did it instead of groups so it went by a lot faster and we got done it good time. Plus he knew what we needed to know and what we didn’t need to know so that meant less writing of things. That way the notes we took were a lot shorter and that was a huge benefit to my hand. He went over all five religions in under 20 minutes while we got three and a half religions done as a class in two days of nearly an hour combined. That is why Mr. Schick should present all presentations to the class because people goof off way to much when presenting. Plus they go into extreme detail that we do not need to know and it wastes time. The way that we did it in class today is the way that I think we should do it every time that we must make a group project.