Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The C.I.A. Conclusion

  1. What is the population of the United States?
316,668,567 people

  1. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?
China, India, Unites States, Indonesia, and Brazil

  1. What is the population of Pakistan?
193,238,868 people

  1. What kind of government does the United States have?
Constitution federal based republic; strong democratic tradition

  1. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?

  1. What is the largest country in the world by area?

  1. What country has the third greatest number of airports?

  1. What country has the greatest number of exports?

  1. What country exports more oil than any other?
Saudi Arabia

  1. What country imports more oil than any other?
United Sates

  1. What country has the second largest proved reserves of crude oil in the world?

  1. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military?

  1. What is GDP?
Gross Domestic Product-all goods and services produce in a nation in a year.

  1. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?
Qatar- $103,900

  1. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita?
No- $50,000

  1. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent?

  1. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found
in which continent?

  1. What other country is in the top ten?

  1. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?

  1. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?

  1. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?

  1. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?

  1. What is Net Migration Rate?
The difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during the year per 1,000 persons based on their population.

  1. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world?
No #26

  1. According to the Factbook, what is the current population of the entire planet?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day #12 Human Geo-Population and Migration Imagination

Today in Human Geo class we went over more of population and migration topics form the power point. We went over different statistics and looked at different facts that were presented. Including death and life rate, immigration and emigration rates, and fertility rates. The thing that cost me the most off guard was the fact that Mexico had decreased its immigration rate over the last two years and is looking a lot better. The fact that they were staying in their country more is because Mexico is improving everything from politics to economy. But the thing that was pointed out was that in several years there is a slight chance that Mexico will be in better shape than the United States. Plus another interesting fact is that in Nigeria the average fertility rate is a little bit more than five babies per female. That is a lot to take in and I do have a lot to wonder about that topic. In most ways America is better than the world but in many ways the world is a lot better than America.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Day #11 Human Geo- The Population Problem

Today in Human Geo for the first part of the long extended class we got to finish our tests that we didn’t finish on Friday. We got 20 minutes and I went over the essays and felt pretty confident on my answers but I won’t know for a while. Then we had to pull out our notebooks for the rest of class and we started our new unit and took notes. We will be doing population and migration for the next couple of days. We talked about a power point that Mr. Schick presented and it showed all sort of problems that are brewing up in the world today. We are becoming overpopulated really fats and we need to change that. Every time we gain a billion more people the year’s in between are decreasing very quickly. This past billion it only took 11 years to achieve when from the 1800’s when we got our first billion it took 10,000 years to reach. We are growing at a much too fast rate and have to find a way to slow down otherwise we will have a serious problem at hand.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day #10- The Power Point Presentation

Today in Human Geo class we presented our power points. My group worked hard to make and to finish these power points so I was glad that we had the opportunity to show them to our fellow classmates. So when we went up there our power point was loaded up with facts and what the information that was put on. I was very excited and anxious to get up there and when we finally did I was so happy. The good thing was that it couldn’t have gone any better than it did. We presented it and I am mostly positive that there were no flaws that were made and I was thrilled. There were no questions asked because all of our point of views and information everyone agreed with. We were doing very well and then the best part of the presentation had arrived. At the end last night when I was checking everything I put the final slide titled thank-you. And then as the picture I put two hands clapping. Everyone in class was laughing so the power point went very well today. Today was a major success for my group and I in the presentation.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day #9 Human Geo-The Persistent Power Point

Today in class we continued our work on the projects for the pros and cons of globalization. But we ran into a major problem as my two partners and I all had no internet connection. Right from the start we only had 22 minutes to type and we lost a good 15 of them trying to fix it. It was a very frustrating situation but not for the fact that I had not internet but all three of us did at the same time. I was getting fed up with my computer because I know that I’m not the only one who has a problem. If there are any more problems I won’t hesitate to go to the I.T. person. But we did get a little bit done and it is less homework that we will have to do tonight. But the whole situation was definitely a pain. For homework I hope that the other two will be logged on and they can help me finish the power point. But the chances of that happening are very low.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Day #8 Human Geo- The Nike Nightmare

Today in Human Geo class I saw a major change of view on NIKE. We watched a video on the factories and living conditions from workers in Indonesia who work in NIKE. They have to live in their own little town that the space is completely cramped up. It is really disappointing and shocking that this had happened. I am now very disappointed when it comes to NIKE. Even though I will still own and buy NIKE products I will reduce the products I buy from there. I just hope that adidas or under armor isn’t the same way. Watching the video was probably one of the saddest things that I have ever seen. Especially when I saw the homes that four or five people had to live in. it was no more than a couple feet wide and long. I realize that this is how far NIKE will go to keep cheap labor force and it is shocking. The worst part is that the people of Indonesia can’t rise out because they don’t get the education needed so they can rise out. Today was easily the saddest day of Human Geo.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Day#7 Human Geo- Power Point Partners

Today in Human Geo class we split up into groups and started to make our power points about globalization. It was difficult to find a good website for the definition, pros and cons of globalization. It became very frustrating even I my group and I were getting quite angry about it. In the end we could only get the definition of globalization down in the power point and we have a website for pros but it is still not enough. We will have to work even harder for the mod that we have on Monday and it will make us tired after the class. I think if we put our minds to it my group and I can finish the project on Monday. I am very excite to go back to work on Monday and I will need to come up with ideas tomorrow for the next day in class. My group will see a whole new thing from me and we will get the project done or mostly done. But it will put in a lot of work that will take hard work.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day #6 Human Geo- Generalization of Globalization

Today in Human Geo class we went over more about globalization. At first when we talked about it I thought that we were getting off topic. Because we went over the 9/11 attacks because today is 9/11. We were talking and asking Mr. Schick if it was a country who attacked but it was Al Coda who was behind the attacks and they were not a country. But they were a form of religion people. So we talked about how the military support that the USA gives actually keeps the Middle East in balance and they return the favor. Because we help Israel against their neighbors they respect us and give us oil as most other countries in the Middle East do. The USA keeps the world in check as they are a part of the United Nations and donate the most time, work, and money the USA keeps everything in place. Because of the USA leadership skills the world would be attacking itself and it all starts with the USA and the globalization that it contributes to the world.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day #5 Human Geo-Documents Discussion

Today in Human Geo we continued the work on our google documents. We added to more members because they were not at class yesterday. So we went from three members to five members which means that we should get more work from everyone than we would if it were three people. Also we started our research on globalization and I thought that there were many interesting facts to read. We grabbed all the definitions that were correct and it turned out to be a paragraph. The definition of globalization is a very long and complex definitions and probably has a few sentences in it as well. Plus in our Google document we added on more questions and put more information on the page to study for the quiz or test that is next Friday. Thanks to putting up this information we should be able to study of each other and learn at the same time. I like to use this document because studying on your own can be hard to focus but now that I have four other people studying with me and not being in the same room is much better. Now I can study with people in my own room or any room I want to be in. today in my opinion was a big step for me because I realized what the future of this class will be.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Day #4 Human Geo-Google Genius

Today in Human Geo we talked about the video for the first couple of minutes. We talked about how the video was now updated but also not as interesting. Then we talked about the Google Documents and then got our groups together. At first it was a difficult challenge because there were many steps to go through. Plus the entire other class was online as well so we slowed each other down. Our group was behind because my two other partners and I were having internet problems. It was a disaster to say at the worst. Then we finally figured it out but when you type you should get it on the other persons screen. But we weren’t getting that at all so we had to ask for help. Finally we realized what we’re doing wrong because we had to go to our Gmail account to go to the right page. But when we got there it was more disaster because when two people would type at the same time it became very frustrating because we were messing each other up. So that is going to be the only problem when using this site but otherwise we should have fun.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

3 Facts in Todays Class

Today in class we watched a video and then went over all the facts that it presented. The first fact that impacted me was that China will soon become the number one English speaking country in the world. This shocks me cause how could China speak English more than America. But then it was pointed out to me that China has a much higher population. So the fact that China will learn English will make it the highest English speaking country in the world. The next fact is 25% of India with highest IQ is more than the population than America. This connects to me that India is fighting for our jobs and that we are losing out. The only reason is not because we are dumb but because India has a lot more of a population than us. The third and final fact is that one of six married couples met online. This is a perfect example of why America is losing out to other countries because we are to focused on the socializing. There are a lot more important things to do but we choose not to do them. we think that we are ahead of other countries in technology but we aren't. So we are falling behind because of the socializing. In some factors it's not our fault because of population but in other cases the only people to blame is ourselves.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day #3 Human Geo-The Savior Socrates

Today in our third class of Human Geo we went even deeper into Socrates, his death, and his trial. We first learned that at his trial if he had just apologized that he probably would have lived. But instead he was a sassy person and he would be put to death. Since he was so popular around Athens they would have been sorry and would have let him live. But he was so sassy that they refused to work with him and they forced him to his death. But even though he was so mean to the jury and judge they still gave him a choice. He could be exiled or poisoned but he chose poison. He wanted to be the hero in the end and wanted to be strong. So that led us to the painting of Socrates as he was about to drink the poison. We looked at that picture for a good portion of the class looking at all of the details. We found that all of the people that were next to Socrates were crying, telling him that they could help him escape, and some weren't even looking at him. So it showed Socrates sticking out his chest and pointing to the sky as he was about to drink from the cup. He showed no fear knowing that he was going to die and he faced death and acted as the hero. Socrates was a great influence for the people of Athens and it was a shame to hear about how he died when he was still able to teach.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day #2 Human Geo-Greek's Top of the Line Topics

Today was the second day in which we learned the criteria. We went over the Greek meanings and concepts. We took the entire two mod class and went over the information. Even though I had already written my blog about the Greek words I was still shocked that I learned something. But not only did I learn something but I learned something from every single word that we went over. The topic that I learned the most about would have to be the death of Socrates. I thought that I knew everything about his death and what had happened to him. But instead what I thought was completely wrong and I didn't know a thing about him. So not only did I add any information but I erased what I thought and wrote something new. That is a good sign though for the near future because I can rely that entering that class everyday that I will learn something. I can depend on leaving the classroom after the bell rings with new information that I have gained. So far this class has been a lot of fun and I hope that it will continue for the rest of the year. I know the only way that I can have fun is to work hard and do my best all the time and it will make this class even better. Maybe though we didn't talk about many topics today I still learned a lot of information and I learned a valuable lesson... all on the second day of Human Geography.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Greek Meanings

The meanings and concepts of the Greek words all have value. The word agora means the meeting place or a popular place in which all people in the town met. It was the heart of all cities back in Ancient Greece. The word arĂȘte means good or excellent. This word can also be thought of has filling up potential or the best that you can do. Polis means a town of city of the Greek nation. It can also be deferred as the people of Greece. Also it can be a city-state for example the well known town of Athens. In the year of 508 B.C. Cleisthenes gave full democratic rights to all the free white men of Greece. So therefore he developed a fully functional democratic system. Socrates was a famous ancient Athenian philosopher for the field of ethics. His death was due by trial. Socrates was a traitor as he praised Sparta the enemy of Athena. This was going on during the Peloponnesian war. His Socratic method was known as the method of inquiry. Socrates had applied this method to the important moral concepts of goodness. When a  ancient Greek calls you an idiot they mean something different. In their democracy they were forced to vote and if you didn't they would mark you as an idiot.

All information was taken from