Monday, October 28, 2013

Day #23-Group Graded Work

Today in Human Geo class we set our groups to talk about all of the main five religions in the world. It was either Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, or Judaism, and my group got Buddhism. We had a lot of cool facts to write about because it was suck a cool religion. At first I did not think of it very highly but then we went onto search engines and looked up facts on the religion to get background and then I realized how interesting the religion is. We got topics on holidays, origination, size, leaders, conflicts, and so much more. But then during the middle of our research my laptop died and I had to plug it in and I was not happy. I had a cool website up that I was excited to read about and put onto our power point. The only bad thing is that I lost the name of the website so I cannot go back and look it up again. But in the end I think that the power point that we have right now is very cool and interesting and we aren’t even done.

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