Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day #14- The Movie Massacre

Today in Human Geo we watched a movie that was on the Sudan Civil War back in 1983. The two sides were North and South Sudan. The north consisted of Muslims who were high up in technology and had an easy fight. While the South side as a group of young boys and girls because their parents had been killed and this group had no technology. To call this a war is completely wrong because the one side couldn’t fight back because they had nothing to fight with. The South had to run from the North, in my opinion I think that it was a massacre over a long period of time. The boys that survived only 12,000 out of 27,000 made it to a new life in Kenya. They are receiving aid from the United Nations where they still live there today 30 years later. The “Lost Boys” are no longer lost and are alive for sure but with no home, shelter, food, water, or family how can they be alive? They live in fear every day for the attack from Sudan because they saw what happened to their parents and they know that this fate could happen to them in soon time.

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