Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day #17-Power Point Plans

Today in Human Geo we continued to look over our power point about the pyramid population. We went over examples of American towns and cities and why they had a higher or lower number of people at a certain age. They may be in college, retirement home, military, work force, and many other reasons. So Americas’ cities are becoming populated by a certain range and gender of people and that’s because of what these specific cities supply. A good home or shelter or work or anything else that the person may come to like and that they will follow I order to be successful and do what they want. I figured out that in order to do what I want I must follow into a city that fits the needs that I will need in order to be successful at the place that I will live. This is going to be the place that I will live for the rest of my life so I will have to make the right choice even if that means leaving my parents and going across the world. I will do what it takes so that like the people that are currently on those pyramids that I can succeed in not only what I do but what I want to do.

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