Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day #18-Questionable Quiz

Today in Human Geo we took a quiz on the population pyramids. I thought that I did pretty well on the quiz and I felt confident on my final grade. I thought that because I studied that I did better than I would have if I didn’t study. I knew that going into the test that it was going to be hard because it wasn’t the easiest topic that we have done so far this year. The final page that had to look at three maps was a much harder thing to do and I may have done badly on that part because I could not remember what it was. Plus the graphs were hard to read and I thought that it was unfair because it didn’t label anything on the graph. Plus the power point wasn’t on the site so I could not study anything other than what was on my notes. But luckily I had enough notes to study with and I know that I did a good job on this quiz so I am confident in my abilities.

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