Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day #25-Power Point Presents Practices

Today in Human Geo we went over more power points from the five major religions of the world. We finished the power point on Hinduism, presented Judaism, and started my group’s power point of Buddhism.  Thought that the presentation looked very good for our group and that a lot of the design credit has to go to Ryan in this case. He found pictures, laid out the design, made the font, and made it look nice. But the group had to find the formation in order to put it in the power point and we did that. Logan, Zach, and I all found the information and all that credit has to go to us. We found the information, gathered ideas, laid out sentences, and gave ideas on how to write for Ryan so overall it was a group effort. I found many interesting facts in the class today. But the biggest thing would have to be the fact that even though all five major religions are very different, they have many similar traits as well.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day #24-Power Point Playing

Today in Human Geo we went over our quizzes that we got back and I got a good grade. I got my first A on a quiz or test this year and it was a 90%. I am satisfied with that grade because I did not go into major detail when it came to studying for this test so an A to end the quarter was great. I know that I can do better in the future but it is a step into the right direction. The questions that I got wrong I felt that if I had studied more that I could have gotten it right so then I would have gotten a 100%. Then we looked at the first power point of the five major religions. I think that it was a good idea to make the power point onto paper because then we didn’t have to take notes. But then at the same time we had to fill in answers so then we had to pay attention. Today was not my favorite class but it was a happy class to be in.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Day #23-Group Graded Work

Today in Human Geo class we set our groups to talk about all of the main five religions in the world. It was either Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, or Judaism, and my group got Buddhism. We had a lot of cool facts to write about because it was suck a cool religion. At first I did not think of it very highly but then we went onto search engines and looked up facts on the religion to get background and then I realized how interesting the religion is. We got topics on holidays, origination, size, leaders, conflicts, and so much more. But then during the middle of our research my laptop died and I had to plug it in and I was not happy. I had a cool website up that I was excited to read about and put onto our power point. The only bad thing is that I lost the name of the website so I cannot go back and look it up again. But in the end I think that the power point that we have right now is very cool and interesting and we aren’t even done.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day #22-America's Absence

Today in Human Geo the topic that we went over was easily my favorite class that we have had all year. I loved the video that we watched and for the man that said why America isn’t the greatest country in the world was completely true. But after the video our class reviewed the topic and I completely disagreed with most things said. We focused on the little things and that is exactly what Will didn’t want. He said we need to reach for the stars and that we went for it all and we never relied on anyone. We were the best and now we aren’t and people need to realize that because America is not right and her people are wrong. We are not the best and we need to wake up and everyone must see that and until the day we do we will continue to go downhill. The people who revered who were the successful ones were the people who knew America wasn’t the best. They made the country the best but we stopped right there once we were the best. But now we are not and no one realizes it but the people who reach for the stars. In order to succeed it takes a certain level of failure, but too much failure brings us down. America is at that point right now, we are failing but in the potential for this country we will be the best again. We are bending, but the question is, will we break.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day #21-Genetic Geography

Today in Human Geo we went over more from the power point on cultural geography. There was a lot more information that I really wanted to know because for the class it was a lot to take in and to write. That part I did not like but I did like the facts that were presented and the conclusions that were made because basically they were all true. They stood out higher than any other facts from power points that we have learned all year so far. I thought that all the differences that we have in our culture makes us who we are. People say that we are all the same but way down we are each different in our own ways. From our religion to our race, language to look of us, ethnic heritage to ancestry, or in any other way we are all different. And I think that is the point of the unit, that even though the world is similar we are all different. We each have traits that are not similar to any other person, even out of seven billion people. We are not billions of people, we, ourselves are one of billions, and we need to come to the day that we aren’t similar to the person next to us, but rather different, different in any way imaginable.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Day #20-The Cultural Consistency

Today in Human Geo we went over more from the cultural geography power point and it was very interesting to see. All the parts of this power point are the same in that each part of cultural geography (religion, language, and ethnic groups) all point out the same thing. That each part of this has a role to play in the world has a whole and that each part is equal. They all have checks and balances on each other in order to keep the system working. If they don’t have these balances and they don’t have a strong commanding leader then that group will adapt or die. Each group of the world is like an animal and when forced to move or to adapt the question at hand is if they will survive. If a country’s’ government changes then can the people adapt or will they all fall into the system. Otherwise known as dead. We need to have checks and balances on these three groups of cultural geography otherwise we will fall in the system by killing ourselves.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day #19-The Ardous AP Test

Today in Human Geo we took an AP test for Human Geo. It was a very hard test to take and I did not think that I would finish but I did at the ring of the bell. It was a much harder test than any test that I have taken in the past for Human Geo. I was glad to hear that it would not be placed onto our grades because I would be failing this class if it was. The questions were extremely difficult to comprehend and to divide the questions into something easier. I had a shadow today and he took the test as well and I wonder how difficult it was for him because he is only in eighth grade. Today was a very boring class because I expecting a very fun class but instead got put with a test class that wasn’t even graded. But I am very grateful that Mr. Schick did not put this test onto our grades. He would have been unfair and mean if he did put it on the grade and I would be very angry. The test was hard today and I hope not to take it again until we learn more in this class.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day #18-Questionable Quiz

Today in Human Geo we took a quiz on the population pyramids. I thought that I did pretty well on the quiz and I felt confident on my final grade. I thought that because I studied that I did better than I would have if I didn’t study. I knew that going into the test that it was going to be hard because it wasn’t the easiest topic that we have done so far this year. The final page that had to look at three maps was a much harder thing to do and I may have done badly on that part because I could not remember what it was. Plus the graphs were hard to read and I thought that it was unfair because it didn’t label anything on the graph. Plus the power point wasn’t on the site so I could not study anything other than what was on my notes. But luckily I had enough notes to study with and I know that I did a good job on this quiz so I am confident in my abilities.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day #17-Power Point Plans

Today in Human Geo we continued to look over our power point about the pyramid population. We went over examples of American towns and cities and why they had a higher or lower number of people at a certain age. They may be in college, retirement home, military, work force, and many other reasons. So Americas’ cities are becoming populated by a certain range and gender of people and that’s because of what these specific cities supply. A good home or shelter or work or anything else that the person may come to like and that they will follow I order to be successful and do what they want. I figured out that in order to do what I want I must follow into a city that fits the needs that I will need in order to be successful at the place that I will live. This is going to be the place that I will live for the rest of my life so I will have to make the right choice even if that means leaving my parents and going across the world. I will do what it takes so that like the people that are currently on those pyramids that I can succeed in not only what I do but what I want to do.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day #16-Population Pyramid Projection

Today in Human Geo we looked at a power point on the population by the world through pyramid techniques with growth rate, birth rate, death rate, etc. We found three ways of measuring the population through the Christmas tree, box, and cup methods. The Christmas tree meant that a country had the rate of people in a triangle where the top would be the oldest and bottom the youngest. So that meant a low birth rate, high growth rate, and short life expectancy. The box method was the same set up where old on top and young on bottom. So it was an all equal birth, death, growth, and life expectancy rate. The final method was the cup method and that meant the same set up where old was on top and young was on bottom. That meant a low birth rate, a high growth rate, low death rate, and a long life expectancy rate. There are few countries in the world that are like this method but in the end all countries are categorized in a method eventually. So that means that each country has a rate for the people’s lives whether long living or short, no growth and birth or growth and birth we all have been fit into a system of the world.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Day #15-The Amazing African Advances

Today in Human Geo we finished our documentary on The Lost Boys of Sudan. The film was based on three main characters who were moving to America to get job opportunities. They were becoming American in every aspect and learning the American ways even though they still kept their customs and beliefs. They were in America for three years and they realized what they wanted to do with their lives. They wanted to improve their original home and they needed to get a solid education and level of responsibility. They came to America on their own with a little help but not much so they had to develop a living for themselves and needed to be successful. They received a wonderful opportunity and they took it without hesitating and they were successful. They made all three years of a solid living in the tough and independent country of The United States. All three would eventually go back to Africa united with the families that they had lost and improve their living habits. They now have medication, shelter, food, water, and a good education all thanks to these three men.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day #14- The Movie Massacre

Today in Human Geo we watched a movie that was on the Sudan Civil War back in 1983. The two sides were North and South Sudan. The north consisted of Muslims who were high up in technology and had an easy fight. While the South side as a group of young boys and girls because their parents had been killed and this group had no technology. To call this a war is completely wrong because the one side couldn’t fight back because they had nothing to fight with. The South had to run from the North, in my opinion I think that it was a massacre over a long period of time. The boys that survived only 12,000 out of 27,000 made it to a new life in Kenya. They are receiving aid from the United Nations where they still live there today 30 years later. The “Lost Boys” are no longer lost and are alive for sure but with no home, shelter, food, water, or family how can they be alive? They live in fear every day for the attack from Sudan because they saw what happened to their parents and they know that this fate could happen to them in soon time.

Day#13-The C.I.A Check

Today in Human Geo we went over the answers from the C.I.A. Fact book and the questions. I got every single answer right a 25/25. But it was really interesting because we went over every question in extreme detail and covered all of the topics that were visible. But the most interesting topic that was covered would have to be the time from the oil conversation. The topic about everything that was the Middle East. We talked about the wars that were being fought and the 9/11 attacks. Plus how the countries that are over there are receiving our aid and that we should not be doing that. Even though we get oil from Saudi Arabia they will continue to attack on us and we have to stop giving them aid because it comes back at us. We can get our oil from another country like Qatar because there is a less chance that a small country like that will attack on us. But the U.S.A will continue to not do these actions and we will pay for it in the end.