Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day #1 Human Geo-Important Introductions

Today was the first official day of my class for Human Geography. My teacher Mr. Schick came back for his first day as well. He was off at a college trip with his daughter. He was a very funny teacher and made a lot of jokes. I think that I'm going to like his class a lot. Also, we went over our blog instructions and only a couple of people had actually gotten it right the first time. I was not one of those people so I had to go back and fix mine. like so many other people I sent him the wrong URL. Figures that on my first real day of school that I would find a way to mess up. But then again that's what freshmen are for. We also learned in Mr. Schick's class that we need to buy a composition notebook. But I read that on his blog on Monday and I went out and bought one yesterday. So hopefully that clears out the URL mistake. Also we went over some things of what we are going to do this year in Human Geography. I know that I am going to enjoy this class and just have fun with it. But it all starts with the first day of Human Geography.

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