Monday, January 13, 2014

Day #39-The Terrific Theory

When it comes to Diamonds theory I would totally agree with what he has to say and what he says. It was the plants and farming as to why Papa New Guinea did not prosper unlike all of the other civilizations. They never had the plants that were the same as the other civilizations around the world. Plus the animals that they could domesticate were only pigs and they could not help when it came to farming because they did not have the muscle to pull a plow. So the animals needed to domesticate were not in the civilization of Papa New Guinea. Finally they did not have the technology to make steel which would have helped them a lot when it came to farming because they would have to do less and then get a lot more. Plus they could not build crops with the products that they had in order to make one and they had no animal to pull it so they would have to pull it by hand. So the only muscle in Papa New Guinea was the human muscle which would not help the evolving the community. So in conclusion I would have to agree with what Diamond said and studied because I agree with his theory.

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