Monday, January 20, 2014

The Last Line From Andrew

What I liked most about Human Geo this year was the fact that it was a very open to anyone's thoughts type of class. Plus the teacher was funny and I loved all of my classmates. The tests and graded assignments were very easy for me to do and that was what I liked the most. I am going to miss this class very much because it was one of the more easier classes that I have taken over the years. But I am excited for the new class in Western Civ and I hope to have as much fun. This will be my last post that I make on this blog so I hope that anyone who read it, also enjoyed it and found inspiration to make their own word.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Test Tactics

Human Geography Study Guide Last Test



1.       What were some of Jared Diamonds jobs and/or hobbies?

a.       Bird watching

b.      Cultural anthropologist

c.       Professor at UCLA

d.      Author


2.       What is “cargo”

a.       What people from Papa New Guinea call money and material items


3.       How did the English explorers feel about the native people on Papa New Guinean?

a.       They thought the natives were stupid and inferior to them


4.       What are the three things all great, progressing civilizations have?

a.       Advancing technology

b.      Large plantations

c.       Specialized workers


5.       What did people do 13,000 years ago?

a.       They were hunter-gathers who lived in nomadic groups


6.       What is the only place in the world that still lives like it is the Stone Age?

a.       Specific parts of Papa New Guinea


7.       What was the best place in the world for a civilization to start in?

a.       The Middle East (Mesopotamia)


8.       Where was the first permanent village?

a.       Drahh’, in the Middle East


9.       What building in the first permanent village was the most important?

a.       The granary, made for storing harvested wheat and barley


10.   Why did people leave Mesopotamia?

a.       Because of a climate change that caused drought and famine.


11.   What is the most important factor of a location to create a successful civilization?

a.       Good crops

b.      Good work animals


12.   What are important qualities in a domestic plant?

a.       Long-lasting

b.      Nutritious value

c.       Easy-to-access/make


13.   How many different types of domesticated animals that are multi-purpose and over 100 lbs are there in the world?

a.       14 different mammals



a.       China- Rice

b.      Americas (north and south)- squash, corn

c.       Africa- yams, sorgom, millet

d.      Middle east- wheat, barley



Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day #41-The Testing Test

Today in Human Geo we continued to go over notes an essentially finished up the video and put down the parts that we would need in the future for the test. I was glad that we went over a few of these things because now I know what to expect for the test. Then Mr. Schick asked all of the questions about the test and what we would need to know for the test. But the best part of it all was the fact that he was literally  looking at the test when he asked so all of the questions that he asked will be something that I will need to know. I will make a later post tomorrow and put down everything that I need to know after Grace sends out all of the questions and answers combined with my information. I will make this post just in case if we have another open blog test like the last one.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day #40-The Ridiculous Review

Today in Human Geo we would review for the test that is coming up on Friday and I think that I'm ready because I understand the material. Today all that we did was just talk about the movie and what we thought about the movie and I like today's class. I like the class today because it was something I didn't fully understand at first but now after the class today I do understand it more. Today there were a lot of questions answered and I like that a lot.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day #39-The Terrific Theory

When it comes to Diamonds theory I would totally agree with what he has to say and what he says. It was the plants and farming as to why Papa New Guinea did not prosper unlike all of the other civilizations. They never had the plants that were the same as the other civilizations around the world. Plus the animals that they could domesticate were only pigs and they could not help when it came to farming because they did not have the muscle to pull a plow. So the animals needed to domesticate were not in the civilization of Papa New Guinea. Finally they did not have the technology to make steel which would have helped them a lot when it came to farming because they would have to do less and then get a lot more. Plus they could not build crops with the products that they had in order to make one and they had no animal to pull it so they would have to pull it by hand. So the only muscle in Papa New Guinea was the human muscle which would not help the evolving the community. So in conclusion I would have to agree with what Diamond said and studied because I agree with his theory.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day #38-The Populated Powerpoint

Today in Human Geo we continued to do our power point on Urban population and that was a lot of fun to learn about. What I liked the most is the fact that this unit is like an introduction to Western Civ and that is very useful to know. Also what I liked the most about this unit is that it is more interesting than the other units that e have learned so far in my opinion. But what I like most in this opinion is that it is more of a history unit more than anything. I like history more than Geography because I like this unit more than the first five. But this is what I like the most of the first Semester of Human Geo.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day #37-The Ultimate Urban Universe

Today in Human Geo we went into a opposite direction than what we would normally study and we went to urban related study. We learned about the first five urban colonies of the world. They were Mesopotamia, Nile Valley, Indus River Valley, Hein and Wei or some kind of Chinese Valley, and Mesoamerica. But I have not heard of any of these except for my studies on Mesopotamia but then I realized what the other cultures were. I knew some information on the Mayans and the Aztecs, I also knew some background information on the Chinese soldiers, and finally I knew about Nile River Valley because I studied a quarter back in seventh grade on that civilization of Egypt. So I found it very fascinating about all the things that I knew but I did not even realize.