Sunday, December 15, 2013

Day #36-The Relenting Review

Today in Human Geo class we did a review on the exam test that we will take on Thursday. I think that overall it will be a relatively easier test than some of my other classes but we will see because this semester was fun. But that is the thing I am so concerned about is that I think that I had to much fun this semester and did not study or try hard enough. I will not make that mistake again next semester. There is a lot of information on that review sheet from this year and I do not know if I will be able to take it all in on Thursday. There is a lot of topics that we covered this year for sure and it will be challenging but if I study I will do well.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Day #35-The Tackle of The Test

Today in Human Geo we took the test on microfinance and it was hard to see how I did. I thought that I did pretty well but I do not know yet because at the same time I could have gotten a bad grade as well. I think that I got a B average area but I hope that I need to get a good grade so we will see. I knew all of the questions except two maybe three of them.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day #34-Microfinance Matrix

Today in Human Geo we did a couple of things that were all very interesting. For the first part of class we talked about Mr. Schick and his academic team so it was interesting. The topics that he picked were very hard to understand. He gave us a couple of examples of the questions that his team had to answer during the academic events and I thought that it would be very hard to answer and I would not be happy to be on the team. That was all during the first half of class which was not fun to deal with.  While the second half of class we went over a couple of the slides in Microfinance so we didn't finish. But for the test Friday I really hope that the power point is up by then because it will be a great study tool.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Microfinance Make-Up Mysteries

1.) Q: What do loans for small businesses?
A: Loans give the business small amounts of money to get a kick start on their ideas or businesses.

2.) Q: What is microfinance?
A: A form of financial aid for small businesses that don't have access to banking services.

3.) Q: What solutions does microfinance solve?
A: Microfinance solves the destruction of small businesses do to the fact of large businesses taking control.

4.) Q: What is a microlender?
A: An organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders

5.) Q: How can we improve microfinance?
A: People can get a loan from other people who have money. Once the people who are borrowing can escape poverty, they can pay the donors back.

6.) Q: What is Kiva?
A: Kiva is an online website for giving microloans to the people who are asking for it.

7.) Q: What is a microloans?
A: Loans to people who ask for money to start their small business.

8.) Q: What kind of problems in countries that need microfinance?
A: Malaria, Drought, and Clean Water.

9.) Q: What is malaria?
A: Malaria is a life-threating disease spread by female mosquitos.

10.) Q: What are solutions to malaria?
A: Doctors are trying to figure out vaccines for malaria, and International Peace Corps. are trying to fight the battle against malaria.